Pastfinders Genealogical Society of South Lake County
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Family History Research - Session # 1
Wednesday, September 4
Family History Research - Session # 1
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Virtual Class

Family History Research: Reasons for immigration, Basic Ancestry Research Plan, Exploration in Usage of Research Websites, and Description of Research Software

Session 1

To Register for this class, click HERE.  Zoom will send an Email with the Meeting Link after you register.

Why did our ancestors venture to America? Their reasons can drive research to find more about them. Understand the research process and learn the steps! This class presents four research websites, real time how-to usage, as well as a look into one helpful research software. The class runs from 1PM to 3PM.

Family History Research - Session # 2
Wednesday, September 18
Family History Research - Session # 2
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Virtual Class

Family History Research: Digging into Vital Records, Uncovering Census Basics, Avoiding Research Errors, etc.

Session 2

To Register for this class, click HERE.  Zoom will send an Email with the Meeting Link after you register.

In this family history research class, become acquainted with types of vital records, learn how to recognize first and second sources, interpret census, naturalization and military draft registration data.  You will see how to avoid common research mistakes and see varieties of simple family tree publications.  The class runs from 1PM to 3PM.

Family History Research - Session
Wednesday, October 2
Family History Research - Session
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Virtual Class

Family History Research: Obituary Notes, The Naturalization Process, Government Website Sources

Session 3

To Register for this class, click HERE.  Zoom will send an Email with the Meeting Link after you register.

This class will cover the various types of obituary notices and their genealogy value. See how the phases of the US Naturalization Process are connected to the US Census. We will look at Alien Files in the Natural Archives Database, the history of US Visas needed/used by ancestors, and understand how the US Archives Publication List can uncover sourcing for research. The class runs from 1PM to 3PM.